Friday, January 01, 2010


The Gratitude Project: Day 24

Special what-was-I-grateful-for-in-2009 edition:

1 - that I recovered my sanity before doing permanent damage to my relationship with C, in those horrid early months of 2009 when I was swamped by sour brain chemistry that left me negative, agitated, and wallowing in fearful thoughts for hours at a time every day

2 - for the abundance that allowed me to travel to lovely places: Carrboro NC (Hoop Path retreat in June), Saltspring Island (our two-year celebration in Aug), Seattle (PAX in Sept), Toronto (BIL's wedding in Oct), and Williams Lake (home for Christmas)

3 - that the Saltspring trip put C and I on the same path for our renovations - we left Vancouver stressed and indecisive, and returned with a vision (light walls, wood trim) that is slowly taking form - and that our renovations haven't been a hardship. I think we both have a pretty good sense of what is and isn't important in life, and reno hiccups aren't such a big deal: Yesterday's replacement of the bathroom subfloor got stalled after we finished cutting the second piece of plywood only to discover that it wasn't the same (correct) thickness as the first piece already glued and nailed down... so today we'll work on moving the water heater and insulating the ceiling before we head off to dinner with my relatives. No biggie :)

How was your year?

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