Sunday, May 22, 2005


Whoops, out of order.. but this is the "slide" of Slide Rock Park. Full-action video is also available.  Posted by Hello


Big man, big mesas. We were on the top of Airport Mesa, supposedly the location of one of Sedona's vortexes (vorticies?) but I didn't feel any strange sensations... DID almost get lost, then thought dad would be embarrassed if his daughter did the "stupid tourist" thing and had to be rescued off a mountainside. Posted by Hello


Bundled up in cardigan after swimming in Slide Rock Park... in APRIL... there was a reason why not many people were in there, brrrrrr! Posted by Hello


Wheeee! Sliding in Slide Rock Park, in early April.... Posted by Hello


Beautiful Slide Rock Park, upriver from the slide (and the other people...) Posted by Hello


A boy and his pet Dragon! (sorry H, I don't plan to get into bronze sculpture...) Posted by Hello


Twirlygigs everywhere! (hints for Heather, whenever I finally get a garden!) Posted by Hello


Tempe has the coolest artwork everywhere... this was all mosaicy tiles. Posted by Hello


San Fran Tsunami, the team we were playing with (in an incredibly warm pool, ugh...) Posted by Hello


Me n Wolf, first day in Tempe. Posted by Hello

Beautiful Tempe and Sedona, on my recent trip to Arizona to play Waterpolo. Posted by Hello

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