Monday, May 14, 2007



I got busted. I missed yesterday.. and I blame it entirely on the fact that I got invited to go fool around with someone last night, so I left the house at 11pm.. and normally my blogging happens around midnight. Oops.

Uhm, aside from that? I was unimpressed yesterday to find out that a guard I thought was incredibly reliable, was too disorganized/lazy/apathetic to bother calling me or the pool to say that he wouldn't be coming in for the private instructor-training we'd arranged yesterday. Okay, I could have called SOONER than 40 minutes after we were supposed to start, instead of just hooping around and figuring he was running late... but still. C'mon, dude, pick up the phone.

I'm also getting slightly worried about two things: 1 - the two giant freckles that seem to be changing and could therefore indicate skin cancer, and 2 - the tingling in my wrists when typing, riding my bike, and knitting. Grrr. I think I'll try to make a doctor's appointment for next week, or see if the BC Cancer Agency has some skin screening clinics coming up. TRalalalala.

I'll post again later tonight, to make up for it :(

I do hope you have a minimum 24 hour cancellation policy and will be charging said individual for your lost time (including travel time).

Hmph. That is unimpressive.
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